

Option Explicit

Public Sub ZipSample()
  ZipFileOrFolder "C:\Test\Files" 'フォルダ圧縮
  MsgBox "処理が終了しました。", vbInformation + vbSystemModal
End Sub

Public Sub UnZipSample()
  UnZipFile "C:\Test\Files\Test.zip"
  MsgBox "処理が終了しました。", vbInformation + vbSystemModal
End Sub

Public Sub ZipFileOrFolder(ByVal SrcPath As Variant, _
                           Optional ByVal DestFolderPath As Variant = "")
  Dim DestFilePath As Variant

  With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If IsFolder(DestFolderPath) = False Then
      If IsFolder(SrcPath) = True Then
        DestFolderPath = SrcPath
      ElseIf IsFile(SrcPath) = True Then
        DestFolderPath = .GetFile(SrcPath).ParentFolder.Path
      Else: Exit Sub
      End If
    End If
    DestFilePath = AddPathSeparator(DestFolderPath) & _
                     .GetBaseName(SrcPath) & ".zip"
    With .CreateTextFile(DestFilePath, True)
      .Write ChrW(&H50) & ChrW(&H4B) & ChrW(&H5) & ChrW(&H6) & String(18, ChrW(0))
    End With
  End With
  With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    With .NameSpace(DestFilePath)
      .CopyHere SrcPath
      While .Items.Count < 1
    End With
  End With
End Sub

Public Sub UnZipFile(ByVal SrcPath As Variant, _
                     Optional ByVal DestFolderPath As Variant = "")
  With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If .FileExists(SrcPath) = False Then Exit Sub
    If LCase(.GetExtensionName(SrcPath)) <> "zip" Then Exit Sub
    If IsFolder(DestFolderPath) = False Then
      DestFolderPath = .GetFile(SrcPath).ParentFolder.Path
    End If
  End With
  With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    .NameSpace(DestFolderPath).CopyHere .NameSpace(SrcPath).Items
  End With
End Sub

Private Function IsFolder(ByVal SrcPath As String) As Boolean
  IsFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FolderExists(SrcPath)
End Function

Private Function IsFile(ByVal SrcPath As String) As Boolean
  IsFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FileExists(SrcPath)
End Function

Private Function AddPathSeparator(ByVal SrcPath As String) As String
  If Right(SrcPath, 1) <> ChrW(92) Then SrcPath = SrcPath & ChrW(92)
  AddPathSeparator = SrcPath
End Function